• Page 4 General Overview
    • Page 5 Associations Croquet Coaching Pathways
    • Page 6 Glossary
    • Page 7 Glossary
    • Page 8 Association Skills
    • Page 9 Association Skills cont.
    • Page 10 Openings
    • Page 11 Association Croquet Stokes
    • Page 12 Key Points
    • Page 13 Take Off (Fine)
    • Page 14 Take Off (Thick)
    • Page 15 Take Off (Thick) cont.
    • Take Off
    • Page 16 Hoop Approaches (Advanced)
    • Page 17 Hoops Approaches (Advanced) cont.
    • Hoop Approach
    • Page 18 Stab Roll / Even Roll
    • Page 19 Pass Roll
    • Page 20 Pass Roll cont.
    • Pass Roll
    • Page 21 Split Shots
    • Page 22 Split Shots cont.
    • Split Shots
    • Page 23 Jump Shots
    • Page 24 Jump Shots cont.
    • Jump Shots
    • Page 25 Cannon (Banana / Worm)
    • Cannon (Banana)
    • Page 26 Cannon (Ball Over The Top)
    • Cannon (Ball Over The Top)
    • Page 27 Cut Rushes
    • Page 28 Leaves
    • Page 30 Reverse Diagonal Spread
    • Page 31 Decision Making Process
    • Page 32 Teaching Association Croquet Tactics
    • Page 33 Teaching Association Croquet Tactics cont.
    • Page 34 Forward Play
    • Page 35 Attaching (Continued)
    • Page 36 Defending
    • Page 37 Building A Break
    • Page 38 Maintaining A Break
    • Page 39 Repairing A Break
    • Page 40 Hoop Control
    • Page 41 Bisques
    • Page 42 How To Take Half Bisque
    • Page 43 Using Rush Lines
    • Page 44 Breaks - Cotter Break
    • Page 45 Breaks - Cotter Break cont.
    • Page 46 Breaks - Cotter Break cont.
    • Page 47 Breaks - Cotter Break cont.
    • Page 48 Breaks - Cotter Break cont.
    • Page 49 Breaks - Cotter Break cont.
    • Cotter Break
    • Page 50 Drills / Routines
    • Page 51 Drills / Routines cont.
    • Page 52 Running Hoops With Control
    • Running Hoops With Control
    • Page 53 Getting A Rush 10 Times In A Row
    • Getting Rush 10 Times
    • Page 54 The Rush Around
    • The Rush Around
    • Page 55 The Roll Around
    • The Roll Around
    • Page 56 Setting The Leave After Making 3 Back
    • Setting A Leave After 3 Back
    • Page 57 Getting The Rush Away From The Hoop
    • Getting A Rush Away From The Hoop
    • Page 58 Making One Hoop At A Time - Cotter Break
    • One Hoop At A Time
    • Page 59 Making A Break Of 9 From The 4th Turn
    • Page 60 Coaching Schedule
    • Page 61 Competency Assessment Checklist
    • Thank you
    • Page 62 Congratulations!
    • Association Croquet Level 2 Coach
    • Page 64 Copyright Information